Unifying music for global climate action

Sea Us Rise

Featured SUR Artist Video

We love featuring artists who create work about the climate. Sea Us Rise uses music to inspire people to take climate action. Do you know someone we should feature?


Sea Us Rise has lots of ways to inspire you.

‘Sing to Change: Boston to Boston’ is a cross-Atlantic climate change collaboration uniting young people with a common goal – to raise awareness of the global climate emergency and encourage people to take action in response. The project also creates a professional musical, cultural and social experience for school children.


Friday is for schools: Saturday is the Public Day.


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  1. The Greta Thunberg Song (Master) /user/oli+frost/ 2:18
  2. Jazz on the Autobahn The Felice Brothers 4:32
  3. CHANGE 3:08
  4. Enough is Enough Karine Polwart, Oi Musica & The Soundhouse Choir 6:56
  5. Sara Elise - The Waves /sara+and+elise/ 3:05
  6. Waste the+accidentals 3:50