Community Guidelines

Guiding Principles

We have not created this website for our voice but for the voices of our community of musicians. We do not like rules, regulations or boundaries when it come to the arts but we have two guiding principles for participating musicians:

1. Unifying music for global climate action

2. Original music

Equally, we are against censoring the arts and have a liberal outlook. However, we will vet all songs and comments to ensure they follow our guiding principles. In extreme circumstances, Sea Us Rise Directors – at their sole discretion – reserve the right to stop offensive songs from being uploaded and to suspend registered members who post offensive comments and unconstructive feedback on featured songs.

What do the artists get in return?

In addition to being seen to lend support to the global environmental movement, as submitted artists you can set up your own profile page on this website. This can be linked to your own websites and social media channels, with an option to post events, write about upcoming releases, and soon, more! There is no charge at all to be part of our music community and all song rights remain with the musician – we are simply creating a portal for listening purposes. For more information please refer to our FAQ below or drop us a line at

Frequently Asked Questions

No. We encourage all musicians – professional, semi-professional and amateur to share their music on the Sea Us Rise website.

No. The Sea Us Rise platform is exactly that – a platform for your songs to be uploaded at your own risk. Sea Us Rise does not seek to own intellectual property or change your intellectual property rights. However, Sea Us Rise – with your permission – may wish to feature or highlight songs as part of its newsfeed and/or general communications.

The platform is open to musicians of all ages. However, if you are under 18 you will need your parents’ consent to upload your songs.

We have purposefully chosen the words ‘climate change’ as we consider this to be a useful umbrella term that opens up rather than limits opportunities for musical interpretation. There is no need for this actual term to feature in the lyrics.

Any submission that is unifying, motivating music that supports the climate change movement will be considered. However, we encourage the creation of lyrics.

Any language. However, please submit a good quality English translation for moderation purposes.

We are neutral on this topic. However, we reserve the right to stop submissions from being uploaded onto the Sea Us Rise platform and/or take down songs if they are offensive and/or stray in an extreme way from our guiding principles. In such instances the Directors of Sea Us Rise will act as moderators and at their sole discretion.

Artist profiles and music submissions will be shared via the Sea Us Rise website as well as on our Social Media pages to drive traffic back the website to amplify the impact.

Sea Us Rise compensates with sweat equity! We promote the artists on our pages through social media and other platforms. We want our artists to thrive AND inspire others to take climate action.

Friday is for schools: Saturday is the Public Day.


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  1. The Greta Thunberg Song (Master) /user/oli+frost/ 2:18
  2. Jazz on the Autobahn The Felice Brothers 4:32
  3. CHANGE 3:08
  4. Enough is Enough Karine Polwart, Oi Musica & The Soundhouse Choir 6:56
  5. Sara Elise - The Waves /sara+and+elise/ 3:05
  6. Waste the+accidentals 3:50